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Monday 22 October 2012


            To be successful in life is not a day’s job; it requires energy, power, focus and good thinking. People think that when they have cars, houses, and companies e.t.c they are successful but little did they know that success is not that alone because anybody can buy cars, built houses, own companies e.t.c. But success is about attaining one’s goal in life in other words, for you to be called a successful man you must be able to carry out your purpose in life.
            What is purpose? Purpose is a reason or let me say aim for something to be done or exist. So for someone who is still breathing even if is on the sick bed, or face the greatest tribulation in life so far there is still life in you there is still a purpose for you to fulfill.
            What is your purpose in Life? Now the next thing you have to know is the reason for your existence here on earth. I want you to know this, anybody that is born to this earth as a reason for been born. You are born for you to complete a mission.

What I should know:-

            You have to know that you are born, is for a reason, and your purpose in life must be fulfill if you want to be fulfilled. You have to know that you are born to save someone; you are put in that position to help someone, and remember if you fail to achieve your purpose/aim in life apparently you are not successful. You have to know that you have something in you that anybody doesn’t have. You possess some potentials that anybody doesn’t possess. You have to know that more respected when you know your worth but how can you know your worth when you don’t know your real self. So now, you have to discover your purpose so as to know where to focus on, where to walk through and what you should do so that you can become a successful man or woman.


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